Our Story

CBD and Full Spectrum Cannabinoids have been our passion long before it started to make its way into the normal dinner time conversation. The benefits of this non psychoactive naturally occurring compound has been so positively apparent that we’ve been spreading the word long before it was considered mainstream. The majority of people have faced the challenge of realizing the many health benefits of CBD and Cannabinoids because of the attached stigmatism to marijuana use, and the thought of using something that hadn’t been immediately prescribed by their family doctor.

You can imagine our excitement to finally have some accredited medical research to support our claims that CBD and Cannabinoids are truly amazing! Beyond the incredible feedback we’ve received from friends, family and complete strangers as to how our CBD and Cannabinoids products have positively changed their lives. Medical professionals are finally uncovering the endless health benefits of CBD and Cannabinoids with more money and more attention being funded into research every day. It is certainly easy to realize the value of this incredible Molecular compound in our daily lives.

We welcome you to join us on this exciting journey of better health for your mind and body. We have a number of amazing products to offer, but we also acknowledge that each individuals needs may vary. If there is anything that you would like to see on the website, or have a request for personal use, please reach out, and we will custom tailor your health and wellness products!

Sincerely, The Begbie Botanical Team.